Wednesday 15 October 2014

OnePlus May Develop Windows Smartphone

OnePlus One
OnePlus has gone from an unknown brand to one of the most talked about Android manufacturers in just under a year, even if the overall sales of OnePlus One are still much smaller than Samsung, HTC and other Android manufacturers.
 Director of OnePlus Carl Pei said to the Economic Times: "We have had discussions with Microsoft over a Windows Phone smartphone," he said. "We are still looking into it."

Microsoft has been in "discussions" with quite a few companies over the past year, including HTC, Samsung, Sony and smaller players in India and China on the topic of Windows Phone, trying to pull as many manufacturers as possible into the third largest mobile OS.
OnePlus has managed to bring a lot of interest to their one device, the OnePlus One. If they can do the same on Windows Phone with the invite system, it could prove even better for Microsoft, which needs that kind of attachment from customers.
That said, however, OnePlus is a significantly smaller manufacturer than Samsung or HTC and likely has fewer than 500,000 sales. Next year, OnePlus might expand facilities, but if it's already struggling to keep up with demand on one phone, two might be a push too far.

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