Sunday 12 October 2014

Google Nexus Wireless Charger Review

The new Nexus Wireless
Charger is great-looking,
magnetic-connecting wireless
charger, with a very, very small
footprint. Let's take a look
around the box.
The box that it comes in is the
same styled box, and color
choice, that Google opted for
its Nexus 5 smartphone, and
Nexus 7 (2013) tablet.
There's not much going on
when we flip the device on its
Out of the box, we have a
Nexus Wireless Charger
booklet, power connectivity,
USB cable, and the Nexus
Wireless Charger itself to the
far right.
Up close, it has a gorgeous
mirror finish - but right out of
the box I found a tiny hairline
scratch on mine, which was
really disappointing.
On the back of the charger, we
have a sticky pad - something
that is really unique. I never
pulled the plastic off of it, as I
didn't feel like having my $400
smartphone charging
wirelessly, hanging vertically.
But, for those that want to do
this - it's a great option with
the new Nexus Wireless
A closer look at what powers
the Nexus Wireless Charger.
This is the Nexus Wireless
Charger magnetically
connected to the rear of my
Nexus 5. It connects very
tightly, and even takes a bit of
muscle to pull it off.
Next, we have two shots of the
Nexus Wireless Charger
attached to the Nexus 5 again,
to give you a sense of just how
thin this wireless charger is.
As for the actual use of the
Nexus Wireless Charger, the
first thing I have to say is: if
you own a Nexus smartphone,
especially the Nexus 5, you
owe it to yourself to grab the
Nexus Wireless Charger.
Wireless charging is just so
useful, and after you've docked
your smartphone to your
wireless charger a few times,
you'll find it so weird plugging
a cable in.
Google concentrated on the
design of the Nexus Wireless
Charger, everything looks great
- from the packaging, to the
USB cable included itself. It all
looks great, and just works
perfectly without any
configuration needed apart
from plugging the cables in and
placing your Nexus smart
device onto the charger.
It took around two hours to
charge my Nexus 5 smartphone
from around 20% charge or so,
to 100% charge. I found by
placing it next to my desk, I
slotted the Nexus 5
smartphone down onto the
Nexus Wireless Charger every
time I sat at my desk.
This gave me a fully-charged
smartphone every time I left my
desk, and without a USB cable
being plugged in every time, the
convenience is just perfect.
Charging our Nexus 5
smartphone was nearly as fast
as having a physical cable
plugged in, charging the Nexus
5 from around 20% charge to
100% within a little over two
hours. Considering the Nexus
Wireless Charger works so
easily be placing your Nexus
device on top of it, there's no
excuse to not have a fully
charged smartphone when
you're sitting at your desk.
I also took the time to fully
charge my Nexus 7 (2013)
tablet, which had been sitting
with absolutely no charge for
around two weeks. From 0% to
100% full charge was a scrape
under three hours, which is
nothing short of impressive,
considering the charge is
completely wireless!
I don't think there's anything
else I need from a wireless
charger, Google seems to have
nailed it down. Sure, it could
feature an adjustable height or
angle - like the Tylt Vu Wireless
Charger, but that's just
clutching at straws for
something to complain about.
Google pricing it at $50 might
seem like a bit of a stretch, but
considering its top-of-the-line
smartphone costs just $400, for
$450 you can get a Nexus 5
and Nexus Wireless Charging
package, and still save
hundreds of dollars from
buying something similar from
Samsung or Apple.
If you were looking at getting a
Nexus 5, or already have one -
you simply need to buy the
Nexus Wireless Charger, you
will not be disappointed.

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